I am beyond honored that crack Twin Cities public-relations operative Arik Hanson included my 2012 Ignite Minneapolis talk (shown here) in his list of seven all-time favorites.
As I note in the post’s comments:
One thing you should know about me: I’m a loud, profane Puerto Rican.
People from that tropical region – including other Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands and nearby coastal portions of South and Central America – tend to be a bit on the raucous side. Swearing comes easily to me, which is why I loved starting my Pioneer Press career in the 1980s with Deborah Howell as editor (she swore like a sailor, that one).
I just keep these tendencies in check because Minnesotans are generally more subdued. I’ve lost count of the times looks of surprise, shock, even anger flashed across the faces of people here as my decibel level rose and my vocabulary became colorful.
Paradoxically, I am an extremely shy, introverted nerd (a la Patrick Rhone), so my Puerto Rican nature tends to come out only when I’m 100-percent comfortable with the company I’m keeping, or when I’m scared out of my mind (like when giving an Ignite talk).
Some thought my f-bombs on the Ignite stage gratuitous.
I agree with you that they presented an unexpected side of me (based on how people perceive me) and worked to my advantage as a public speaker (coupled with creative deck-slide design).
I wouldn’t change a thing, save the sports coat that rode up in the back, and holding the mike too close to my mouth.