I’m on Fast Horse tech and media panel

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What goes around, comes around.

An eon ago (well, it was 2008), I had the honor of speaking at the Fast Horse marketing agency in Minneapolis (see photos below).

The topic was the then-shiny-new Twitter. The occasion was my new (and first) book, “Twitter Means Business.”

“Despite massive stage fright,” I said in a post, which shows me clutching a pop for dear life, “I enjoyed this immensely.”

Fast-forward to the present, and I again got invited to be a speaker at Fast Horse (this time in my role as a Pioneer Press tech writer).

I was happy to not hog the spotlight this time; I appeared on a panel of crack journos, including my former Pioneer Press colleague Courtney Sinner, who is now doing great things at the Star Tribune.

The panel host was Fast Horse’s Shayla Stern, formerly of the University of Minnesota, with whom I once appeared on a Twin Cities Public Television “Almanac” media panel.

I was delighted to run into my longtime friend, Mike Keliher, who works at Fast Horse (nice mustache, dude).

And lo! I had no stage fright … but I was again clutching a pop.

Some things never change.



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